Your Spinal Health Care Clinic

Quality chiropractic spinal care is for everyone

As you consider a chiropractor you want a skilled chiropractor who will be thorough and effective. Our approach here at Gladesville Chiropractic Care is tailored to address and improve your condition and health.

The nervous system controls every part of the body and is extremely complex, therefore multiple conditions can benefit from Chiropractic Care.

Many people wait until their ‘alarm system’ of pain goes off before seeking help. Some assume chiropractic care is only for those with neck and back problems, or for those who are older. However, chiropractic care is for all ages and treats many conditions.

The nervous system controls every part of the body and is extremely complex, therefore multiple conditions can benefit from Chiropractic Care.

Our Services

  • Disc Bulges

    If you’ve been diagnosed with a bulging disc or ‘slipped disc’ you’re in the right place for gentle but specific treatment to speed you recovery.

  • Pain and Stiffness

    • .

  • Kids Care

    College gets more expensive every year. We’ll help you plan and save for your children’s future.

  • Nerve Impingment

    Pins and needles
    Carpal tunnel

  • Headaches & Dizziness

    A well-organized estate is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can leave your family.

  • Pregnancy

    • medication free

    • safe & effective

    • relief from back pain

    • Carpal tunnel releif

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